sto fleet 200k escort build. sfcmradj. sto fleet 200k escort build

 sfcmradjsto fleet 200k escort build 1% Critical Severity for Exotic Damage abilities, per point you have in the Starship Exotic Particle Generator skill

For KDF and Romulan it can be a bit more muddied, but generally you want to look towards their "Pilot" ship. 5x Polaron Crit Tac Consoles. Either of the above is a preferable option. Fleet Heavy Escort Carrier [T6] This is another beautiful ship, based on the Akira class/NX-01 design. Tanking is my favorite role in just about any game: D&D, WOW, and of course STO. Aft: Trilithium-Enhanced Phaser Turret, Heavy Bio-Molecular Phaser Turret. That gives you the Trilithium set (+Haste), the Bio-Molecular set (+7. Views: 1804. there are a few meta-builds around for sci captains like the drain build or the crowd controller, buffer, debuffer or even the sciscort. Quantum Versionor your teammates getting kills will grant you a short-duration damage and accuracy rating boost. Don't see your ship listed? Check out our Shipwright Build Request for help geting a custom build to your personal specifications. Next up in the canon inspired builds series, everyone's favorite tough little ship, the Defiant! While still being a TNG-era ship, the Defiant has some noti. The ship comes equipped with a Multi-Vector Assault Module, which enables the ship to separate into Alpha, Beta and Gamma sections. . • 3 yr. Nope. Get consoles that help your pets live longer and fight better. Heavy Tank. Captains 07We have 40k channel point redeem on TWITCH to build out the HIROGEN HUNTER HEAVY ESCORT W/CANNONS!With these types of builds they sometimes are a. 5 times the dps of the lowest damage ship in the game. The purpose of this build is to optimize the usage of the CritD weapon modifier. #StarTrekOnline #STO #BuildsThe Akira, created by the Federation to fight the Borg, surely lives up to its creation origin. Any Allied Pilot Escort, your choice of nine. 3: 4,098: 06-07-2019, 07:16 PM Last Post: sfcmradj : Khopesh + Qugh builds. Tactical Captains are the DPS (damage per second) class of STO, much like a rogue in WoW or a Ranger in Neverwinter, your job is to inflict as much damage as possible in the shortest amount of time. Release date: February 13, 2020The Legendary Intrepid-class Miracle Worker Multi-Mission Science Vessel is a Tier 6 Multi-Mission Science Vessel which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. They've been out a while at this point, but pilot maneuvers are still the most fun mechanic to fly with, IMO. The remaining slots can be filled depending on your playstyle. Experimental weapon. Pimp USS Imhotep (Jupiter Class Fleet Carrier) achieves about 27k dps in Sakari System Patrol. The Tactical Warbird class of vessels takes many of their. . All three of our Heavy Escort Carriers bring the firepower you need - the Alita Class Heavy Escort Carrier, the Qa’Tel Flight Deck Raptor and the Jhu’ael Tactical Warbird Carrier. #1. Consoles you want fleet fleet locators/exploiters for your damage type in tac. Keywords: Antiproton, Beam, Fire-at-Will, FAW, 1 torp, Command, Tank, Debuff, Support, Energy, AOE. #StarTrekOnline #STO #StarTrekThe much anticipated update to the Steamrunner-class, the Appalachia-class is an artillery ship loaded down with heavy torpedoe. Fleet Dinaes Warbird Destroyer. Also include the Doff Set-up or wish-list and whether you would be contacted in-game or on. Fleets have a standard command structure and management tools commonly found in other MMORPGs for guilds, e. #StarTrekOnline #STO #StarTrekIn this video, we take the Cabot (Fleet Magee Command Light Escort) into combat and rate its performance. I need some tipps how i can refine the equipment/skills for this ship. . View Build. This starship can be. Probably not as good as the IPL, but it can stand in as a placeholder to try out the general strategy before investing in a deimos. Basic Information Data; Ship Name: RRW Pink Mist Ship Class: Escort Ship Model: Fleet Ar'kif Tactical Carrier Warbird [T6] Deflector Visual: Nukara Engine Visual: Jem'Hadar. Note: As for all builds, the skilltree/ship build work for all professions! Since these are the fleet versions, it would work for the normal versions too! A fleet in Star Trek Online is a group of up to 500 players that have banded together. The Multi-Vector Advanced Escort is the ultimate in tactical design. ago. The Tempest Tail Gun: There was a time when this was a 'bad thing. (T6 Discovery, Omega, Terran, Lukari, Gamma Reps) My current thoughts Hephaestus Advanced Escort or the Fleet Engle Strike Wing Escort, but I'm unsure of what to use as a good base for torpedo boats, and possibly cannon boats and mine-like boats later on. It is an organic, constantly evolving repository of applied knowledge, written by some of Reddit's finest. Weapon Systems (+5% Accuracy) Tactical Maneuvers (+5% Defense) Quick Deployment (20% recharge time reduction to launching Carrier pet crafts, +50% Rank Up XP for all Hanger Pets. The Ajax/Icarus/Mercury come as automatic fleet-level T6s. Fleet Dhelan Warbird. Nothing really to say picked skills that had synergy with the build Build Description. Notably, I chose to make use of two wonderful Temporal Operative abilities in the form of Causal Reversion 3, which grants a great healing bonus that scales with. Pretty much goes the same for your character and away team. salazarraze. Its slow turn rate is a bit of a drawback here though. See here and pick within your means . Strategist likewise adds damage through Logistical Support, Man eu ver Warfare, and Show of Force, as well as some damage reduction through Layered Defenses. S. if you need help with a few of the consoles, feel free to ask for the specific one and not just “all of them”. I love this ship even as a T5, but with Miracle Worker seating and awesome looks, the T6 version. Commander Tactical/Command to Lt. All faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store. Doing 10-20% more dps is reasonable, doing 150% more dps is just plain broken. They are used on front facing dual cannon/dual heavy cannon escort builds as the higher DPS from those cannons make up for lower on the turrets. polaron - proc to power drain. Star Trek Online - Introduction to Science Builds and a sample Budget Build Template. Standard Nukara Shield and Deflector, Fleet AMP warp core, and romulan engines. But honestly, I never cared much for DPS. I would also switch ships to a pure escort (5/3). After switching in the more expensive options, the DPS increased to almost 200k (3:14 runtime). Great work on this one. S. The Defiant-class starship was a heavily-armed, limited-role Starfleet vessel, a warship, the first Starfleet ever truly designed. From what I read, many other builds achieve, even as engineers, more like 100k dps. ' It existed on this escort at a time when cannons were in a horrible place and everyone wanted to load up escorts with beams. Bedivere - Legendary Command Dreadnought Cruiser. The types, firing modes, drawbacks, etc. Going over my avatar's talent tree, my bridge officer talents / lay out, as well as my wonderful sh. S. Bringing a 75K or 100K support build to a run filled with 150-300K players will not increase their DPS substantially, despite the buffs and debuffs offered because the map simply takes too long to complete. Precision (Romulan T2) +4% CrtH (I) or +5% CrtH (II) Tyler’s Duality (Discovery T4) +CrtH depending on your hull capacity. I am dealing just ok damage, nothing too stellar. . The Fleet Temporal Escort [T6] has been specifically designed to support your Fleet. 5. Definitely would be a good and easy transition in the T5U build list, if anyone is looking for a fun budget offshoot. Precision (Romulan T2): +4% CrtH (I) or +5% CrtH (II) Tyler’s Duality (Discovery T4): +CrtH depending on your hull capacity. But what. ) Devastating Weaponry (+2. Container Houses and Structures: Let's talk container and start a design based on what you have. The NX-Escort Refit gives the starship trait Preferential Targeting. . Now yes that's lower than a typed's 39. 2: Styx - Lockbox. The closest equivalent to your Mirror Star Cruiser- the Fleet Star Cruiser (which does not look like a Sovereign)- has 10% more hull, 10% more shields, and an extra science console. Base ship Fleet Jem’Hadar Vanguard Support Carrier for the 2 Wingman. Tier: 6; Faction: Federation or Federation-AlignedTerran Task Force Dual Heavy Cannons would be an ideal fore slot. More HP = last longer and more likely to get heals before they pop. 2 traits you also want: Superweapon Ingeniuty (SI)and Preferential Targeting (PT. . With 1,400 SF or more of allowable living space in some jurisdictions, backyard living becomes even more appealing. dt Walter Robinson Nov 9, 2015 @ 3:33pm. We believe it is (or will be, as it is currently under construction. Into the Breach (exchange or Infinity Lockbox) Point Blank Shot (Episode: House Pegh)A futuristic take on the Perseus -class of the 23rd century, the Theseus -class escort utilizes an advanced science suite along with tactical systems. For energy weapons builds, end-game meta combination for D/E/C/S is Elite Fleet Colony Intervention Deflector (for crits), Competitive Reputation Prevailing Engines (for mini Evasive Maneuvers), Discovery Reputation Warp Core and Shields (for shield penetration and 2pc set bonus that gives massive hull regen passive). DPS: 219K/90% atks in. Snickers - Fleet Alita T6-x Photon Torpedo Boat and Mine Layer. Any Pilot Escort, your choice of the nine. . DPS-builds: Most builds are based on a tactical captain, but they would be build in the same way for the other careers. With that in mind, the Fleet comes with 1 extra console and a +10% boost to hull and shield, so if you want to spend a fleet module and get it, there's no real. Elite Fleet Intervention Protomatter Deflector Array Mk XV. When Marked Foe is Damaged by Torpedoes: 20% Extra Kinetic Damage (100% Shield Penetration) Once per 2 sec: Grants Torpedo: High Yield I to one Damager, and resets Torpedo Cooldowns. Welcome to my builds page! I have a wide variety of ships and build types to peruse that are all Elite-capable and well-vetted in their respective roles. . It is highly amneuverable, which is importnat when many exotic damage abilities. . The Columbia class is a re-interpretation of the NX -class light escort as it might appear in the 2280s, around the time of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. 10. There is no 'best'. 5 times the dps of the lowest damage ship in the game. My Fleet Tactical Escort Retrofit Build. . Nah, it's not dead. Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear. - While this starship trait is active, using Emergency Power to Weapons will also reduce weapon power cost and increase your weapon fire rate moderately. . not a key trait in a build but it does boost BO/CRF by 100% for 30 secs if FaW/CSV is used beforehand. Now we have 3 traits from the C-Store here you can think about. The Styx is more often seen as the top tanking platform in high end runs due to the Cmdr Command seating + useful frigate pets with Beta 3 and Suppression. Greetings everyone and welcome to anther JeSter Reviews where today I will be reviewing Reviews The Hirogen Hunter-Class Heavy Escort (T5-U). Acting as the capital ship of Jayiie's Fleet, the current revision lives on a fine line between durability and damage output, albeit at high cost of entry. Any Pilot Escort, your choice of the nine. 3 Beta - April 13, 2016 Fixed a bug where Ground Unlocked Skills were staying checked when loading another build. View Build. Gear: For max dps, drop cannons and torps for all beam arrays with [CrtD]x2 at least (any flavor is fine). if you're planning on using energy weapons, your best choices are the arbiter battlecruiser, the andorian tactical throzyn escort, or the gagarin/shepard miracle worker cruiser. GriDlock Feb 2, 2022 @ 8:21am. If your build is focused on using Beam Overload, the the Xindi-Primate Ateleth-class Dreadnought Cruiser's trait of Superweapon Ingenuity add 5 secs of BO's up time. Posts must be STO-related; no spam. With a classy Federation design, and a very effective Heavy Tank setup, this is one of my favorite ships to fly from a role and performance perspective. (A possible exception is doing it to get common doffs for fleet projects, but even that is highly questionable. There is no 'best'. Sao Paulo's,. S. Their full spec mechanic is pretty well useless since it won't get a chance to stack, and their boff layouts are very limited in universal slots, which particularly makes the Phantom poor (just like the T5 escorts, the Hestia, all the ones with too many tac ability slots to use). To that end, my support builds are designed to be: Elite-capable in their own right, which means 200K DPS. 17 votes, 22 comments. I can imagine getting lobi-stuff (200. All you who think engineers can’t deeps or that CSV is the only viable energy mode, don’t @ us because he did this on an engineer and it. One of the first ship designs to come out of the New Romulus Shipyards was the Ar'kif-class Tactical Warbird. 4. Then generally the spire warp/singularity cores are considered to be "meta. View Profile Private Message Chief Petty Officer Paragon of Duty3. for mine. 5% CRTH at 200k hull, so keeping your hull high and topped up means significantly more DPS. As I've almost got 5 fleet modules, I'm currently looking at the Fleet T6 ships to acquire. Victoria, BC, July 30, 2019--BC Transit announced that it is releasing its pathway. Removes "Low Health" restriction. With a classy Federation design, and a very effective Heavy Tank setup, this is one of my favorite ships to fly from a role and performance perspective. Here you will find all the information needed to build an effective starship in Star Trek Online. Temporal Reputation. Ranks Mess, and doubles as a training. Changed the Fleet Valiant Tactical Escort's Lt. since no ship => no build. This is exactly as it says on the tin - master list of all available Space Skills. ). This is a breakdown of my Cannon Phaser Build for the Fleet Tactical Escort [T6] (Fleet Valiant). 5% Phaser), and the Quantum set. The Baltim Heavy Raider in particular with 5 Dual Beams is pretty vicious. The object is to take advantage of that speed and positioning to flank as much as possible, while using attract fire to tank as much as possible, and the Esperance can both take and deal out damage. I'm not a fan of the Advanced Escort seating, but a simple basic build that should have you pewpewing things to death while not dying yourself would be to carry 7 beam arrays, and then: Cdr Tac: Tac Team 1 / Attack Pattern Beta 1 / Fire At Will 3 / Attack Pattern Omega 3. Second, the Colony consoles have no generic torp bonus; they're all typed. 3. aeley’s Fleet Ar’kif Cannon build. S. It should be viable for pugs (so not completely glass cannon), as well as putting out enough DPS that I'm not a hinderence when I get to 60 and start working on elites. Bedivere - Legendary Command Dreadnought Cruiser. Shran Light Pilot Escort [T6] Like its predecessor, the Shran-class of Light Escorts began as a concept from a team of engineers trying to meet a variety of common wartime requests - a starship that didn't require too many resources to build or fly, one that packed a serious punch, and one that had the flexibility to adapt to the design at hand. All builds are displayed as infographics for quick easy reference. So I've got a couple thousand fleet marks burning a hole, and am looking at the 200K Fed fleet ships: the science vessel, advanced SV, heavy cruiser… T5-U Advanced Multi-Vector Escort (this is my favorite ship in all of Star Trek, I'd really like to learn to leverage it). This is the unofficial community subreddit for Star Trek Online, the licensed Star Trek MMO, available on PC, Playstation, and Xbox. So these boff abilities, the heart of. Fleets have a standard command structure and management tools commonly found in other MMORPGs for guilds, e. Exotic damage builds are something I've used for years now, and with the recent Exotic Damage guides and changes to the game (Improved Photonic Officer, Spore-Infused Anomalies, Delayed Overload Cascade, Hull. STO Completed Ship Builds. Fleet Forum STO Game Updates STOA Foundry Missions About the STO Academy. • 3 yr. . Now in 4K!!!#PHOENIX #STO #StarTrek #StarTrekOnlineRoyalty. Originally I was going to continue purchasing D'deridex's since thats my favorite Star Trek ship design. 211m in the UEDFV.